Proseminar Assignment Winter 2019/2020

The registration for all computer science proseminars will open in September.

This system is used to distribute students among the available actual proseminars. To register for any of the other proseminars that are offered by the computer science department, you have to register here until October 14th 23:59 CET. You can select which proseminar you would like to take, and will then be automatically assigned to one of them on October 17th. Please note that the assignment cannot be optimal for all students if you drop the assigned proseminar.

Please note the following:

  • We aim to provide a fair mapping that respects your wishes, but at the same time also respects the preferences of your fellow students.
  • Experience has shown that particular proseminars are more popular than others, yet these proseminars cannot fit all students. We thus encourage students to select their preferences for all available proseminars, which eases the process to assign students that do not fit the overly popular proseminars to another, less crowded one. Each student must therefore select at least two proseminars (with priority from "High" to "Low").
  • If you are really dedicated to one particular proseminar, and you do not want any other proseminar, please select the "No proseminar" as second positive option. However, this may ultimately lead to the situation that you are not assigned to any proseminar. Also, choosing "No proseminar" as second option does not increase your chances of getting your first choice.

The assignment will be automatically performed by a constraint solver on October 17th, 2019. You will be added to the respective proseminars automatically and be notified about this shortly thereafter.


Einführung in die Effiziente Anfrageverarbeitung by Jens Dittrich, Immanuel Haffner

In diesem Seminar besprechen wir aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereich Big Data Engineering&Analytics. Dieses Seminar macht dort weiter, wo die Informationssysteme 2019 VL aufgehört hat. Fokus wird effiziente Anfrageverarbeitung sein: Wie komme ich von einer deklarativen Anfrage in SQL zu einem effizienten Programm? Was sind wichtige Techniken? Wie setzte ich sie ein? Und wo spielen diese Techniken in der Realität eine Rolle?

Es wird ein wöchtentliches Treffen während des Semesters geben. Jede Woche wird jeweils ein Papier von allen Studierenden diskutiert werden. Jeweils einer der Studierenden ist Diskussionsleiter.

Requirements: Prog2, Informationssysteme 2019 oder alternativ Stammvorlesung Database Systems bestanden

Places: 12

Joint Advances in Web Security by Ben Stock & Giancarlo Pellegrino

In this proseminar, students will learn to present and discuss papers in different areas of Web security. The proseminar is taught in combination with a regular seminar. Importantly, both share the same weekly meetings as a reading group, but the proseminar students *do not have to write a seminar paper*. Specifically, each student will get a single topic assigned to them, consisting of two papers (a lead and follow-up paper).

For the weekly meetings, all students have to have read the lead paper and must state at least three questions before the meeting. In the meeting, the assigned student will present the follow-up paper. Afterward, the entire group will discuss both papers.

Requirements: Knowledge in Web Security is helpful

Places: 4

Less Injuries by Making Cars Secure [LEISURE] by Stefan Nürnberger

[This seminar exists as a Proseminar and Seminar, has 12 seats in total]

Cars have ceased to be purely mechanical devices since their computerised counterparts are usually cheaper to manufacture and provide more functionalities. Even in the entry-level segment, modern cars feature at least ten different computers, so-called Electronic Control Units (ECUs). These ECUs pose a risk to the security and privacy of passengers. In this block seminar, you are required to work in teams of 2 students and write a seminar report on a topic you choose.

Subtopics are:
- Data collection in modern cars
- Pay-as-you-drive Insurance tariffs
- Driver identification based on behaviour
- European Emergency Call (eCall)
- Telematic Control Units
- Sensor spoofing (GPS, Radar, RDS, ...)
- Security risks of connected devices (OBD, charging stations and protocols)
- Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication & Vehicle to Infrastructure comm.
- In-vehicle networks between ECUs
- Autonomous driving verification
- Embedded Systems / ECU fuzzing
- Dynamic Homologation

You can then vote for up to three topics from above and an algorithm will fairly assign each student a topic such that most needs are met.

Then, we introduce personas to make your analysis more realistic and interesting. A Persona is a simple tool to create your product with a specific target user in mind rather than a generic one. It’s a representation of the real target audience and helps you to tailor your thoughts to a specific use case/user.

During the semester, you have to write a report and create a presentation (30 min) about a topic that you got.
The content shall be about the topic with respect to the presented personas (i.e. how people actually use cars, taking into account that components may fail, that electronics might be destroyed in an accident and so on...)
The report/presentation should be about the same content.

At the end of semester, each of the 6 groups has to give a short presentation (30 min + 10 min Q&A) about their topic. We will choose a week in which 2 groups will present per day -- so in total there will be three (mandatory) presentation days. Additionally, you have to hand in the seminar paper which will be graded together with the presentation.

Requirements: Basic knowledge in security and interest in vehicles (cars, bikes, ...) and privacy concerns.

Places: 4

Malware by Christian Rossow

This proseminar will be held as weekly reading group and covers malware top-tier research papers from the last decade. The general format of this seminar will be that students read, discuss and present publications on malware analysis, malware detection, or malware defenses. A major focus of this proseminar will be practicing academic presentations. This proseminar will be held in English.

Requirements: You have to have general knowledge on software and system security (e.g., as taught in CySec I/II or Security core lecture).

Places: 10

Recent Topics in HCI by Donald Degraen, Frederic Kerber, Felix Kosmalla, André Zenner

Das Gebiet der Mensch-Computer Interaktion (Human Computer Interaction - HCI) ist ein ständig wachsender Forschungsbereich. Dies wird vor allem durch die kontinuierliche Entwicklung neuer Technologien im Bereich der Maker Szene & des Prototyping (3D Drucken, Lasercut), von VR&AR (Oculus Rift, HTC Valve, Holo Lens), Full Body Input (Eye Tracking, Gestenerkennung), Wearables, 3D Tracking (Kinect) erheblich gefördert.

Dieses Proseminar verfolgt zwei Ziele:
*) Erlernen und Erproben von wissenschaftlichen Präsentationstechniken
*)Tiefere Einblicke in ausgewählte Forschungsthemen im Bereich Human Computer Interaction (HCI) vermitteln

Die Teilnehmer werden zwei Vorträge vorbereiten und präsentieren:
*) 10-minütiger Kurzvortrag mit detailliertem Feedback (auf Wunsch: Videoanalyse des Vortrages persönlich mit den Dozenten)
*) 15-minütige Präsentation eines wissenschaftlichen Papiers mit anschließender Diskussion (inklusive obligatorischem Probevortrag)

Alle weiteren Informationen werden im Kick-off Meeting besprochen. Die Vortragssprache ist frei zwischen Englisch und Deutsch wählbar. Das Proseminar an sich wird in Deutsch gehalten.

Termin: immer mittwochs, 10-12 Uhr (insgesamt 10 Termine, der genaue Ablauf wird im Kickoff besprochen).

Kickoff: 23.10.19, 10 Uhr Raum Reuse in Gebäude D3.2 (DFKI)

Places: 12